Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Today We learned about indirect and direct characterization. Direct characterization is when the author Directly tells the reader about a persons characteristics. Indirect is where the author uses somewhat little things to describe a character. like if were to say that my friend robin had money, a lot of it. and wouldn't share. that would mean hes stingy.

So some examples from the book would be An indirect from the "house on mango street" chapter where it said she remembers moving a lot which means that they clearly are poor or just don't have enough money to hold a stable house. and a direct one is where they are talking about the old house they lived in that it was "OLD" and none of the pipes worked.

and for the chapter "hairs". an indirect is when she says her hair is lazy, which means that she is probably lazy because she doesn't even take her time to do her hair. and a direct is when she is describing her moms hair. How it looks like roses and is perfectly groomed.

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